Camping + Filmmaking=Cinematic Greatness

     In May for my birthday weekend, I had the opportunity to go camping at the Mountain Breeze Camp Ground in New Braunfels.  I enjoy nature and every time I go on a trip for multiple days I always feel the need to unplug and turn off my cell phone.  I captured all of this footage at 60fps and decided to turn this into a cinematic slow motion montage of the images I captured during the trip.

Smartphone Filmmaking in Ghana

     In October 2015 I had the opportunity to travel to Ghana on a healing and cultural retreat and be the lead photographer/filmmaker of the trip.

Leaving my larger camera equipment behind, I wanted to challenge myself and capture all of the images and video with my Samsung Galaxy Note 4 smart phone and stretch this technology to it's limits.

What I learned was that the image, story, and vibe are most important in the creative process and that I can create great looking images with any camera and not to get so wrapped up in the thought process of having the "right" gear.